Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fourze: Kamen Rider Club No More?

Kamen Rider Club No More?
Did you remember the early summaries regarding Kamen Rider Fourze about the “Kamen Rider urban legend?” It should be reason why Gentaro started the Kamen Rider Club, but reports says that the idea has been changed.
The basic idea of the Kamen Rider Club, or KRC, is to search for the Kamen Riders in their school's “urban legend” and make friends with them. But it's not happening anymore:
Fourze: Kamen Rider Club No More?

Producer Hideaki Tsukuda says that some higher up from Toei told him to nix the idea. The reasoning they gave him was because Decade, a recent series, already did that and they didn't want to retread familiar grounds too soon.
There was also a lot of complaining among the fanbase that might have lead to it. The producer seemed pretty bummed out about it, he's the one that tried to visually link Double to the original Kamen Rider and really loves close ties in series.
What are your views on this? Will it be a good move to nix the idea and just create another purpose of the Kamen Rider Club? What could it be?
Apparently, the quoted post above is not a translation of the scan but another or different rumor circulating in Kamen Rider Fourze's /m/ thread. The translation of the scan goes like this:
It states that the Kamen Rider Club is aware and trying to defend against the Zodiarts, and the series will still retain the purpose of being the 40th anniversary series with Riders from the past history. It does bring up Decade being the Heisei 10th anniversary series, and them wanting to do a series to commemorate Kamen Rider's 40th anniversary.
It also states the club is Fourze's "backup" with Fourze doing most of the fighting. It also states that Gentaro is the only one who will use the Fourze Driver.